Friday, December 13, 2019

How to Choose a College Major for Criminology Careers

How to Choose a College Major for Criminology CareersHow to Choose a College Major for Criminology CareersPreparing to start your college career is daunting enough for most students without having to declare a major. Between getting settled at your new school, making new friends, studying and trying to stretch a single bag of noodles into a week-long meal, making the transition to college life can be difficult. At some point in your education, however, youre going to have to figure out just exactly what it is you want to do with your life. Jobs in criminology and criminal justice make for an excellent and rewarding career choice, but the question remains what should you get a degree in? To help you better plan your educational path, heres some helpful advice. Set Career GoalsFirst Determining your career goals is perhaps the most important place to start. In deciding what career path you want to pursue, you can narrow down your career choices significantly. More than likely, you have a general idea of what direction you want to go. To make a better choice, do a little research. Learn as much as you can about the field youre interested in and find out what jobs are available and what jobs are right for you. Once youve got a good idea of what sort of career you want to pursue, youll be in a better position to start working toward your degree. Each area of criminology and criminal justiceare related, but some fields require specific skills and educational backgrounds. In some cases, certain degree programs may be required. In others, some degrees may be more appropriate or beneficial than others. In any case, you can never discount the importance of a college education in criminal justice. Make the right choice inchoosing your degree. Your career choice will go a long way in determining your degree path. Here are some suggestions on what to study, depending on your career goals Natural Sciences If youre interested in pursuing a career in forensic science, then you should study the natural sciences. Of course, even within forensics, there are almost infinite opportunities for specialization that may influence your area of study. If you want to become a DNA analyst, youll want to earn a degree in biology or chemistry. If you decide working as a bloodstain pattern analyst is a better fit, physics or biology would be the way to go. Likewise, a forensic ballistic expert may want to focus their studies on physics. Social Sciences Ultimately, criminology and criminal justice are about people how they interact and react, how they behave, and how they respond to various stimuli and situations. Because of this, its hard to go wrong specializing in the social sciences, either as a major or a minor. If you decide you want to pursue a career as a criminologist, your focus should be on looking at the large scale causes, effects and consequences of criminal behavior. In this case, you should look into a degree in criminology, sociology or anthrop ology. If you find youre more interested in the practical application of criminology, youll probably be more interested in working as a police officer, probation or community control officer or other law enforcement-related field. In this case, you may instead want to look into earning a degree in criminal justice, public administration, or even political science. Psychology Maybe its the human mind youre interested in, in which case you may choose to pursue a career as a forensic psychologist, criminal profiler, or even a jury consultant. More likely than elend, youll need to earn an advanced degree to advance in this field. Here, of course, a degree in psychology would be a good start. Criminology or Criminal Justice Degree? In truth, your degree choice need not limit your career options. Many degree programs are closely related to each other, and some even share some of the same prerequisites. The subtleties in the differences between criminology and criminal justice, for example, are small enough that a degree in one would not preclude you from careers that may be better suited for the other. In any case, you can choose to continue your education and earn a masters degree in criminology or criminal justice if you find that your resume is lacking. The same can be said for most fields, and it may be wise to earn a four-year degree in one area and an advanced degree in another to help you be more balanced and well rounded. Finding Jobs As you plan your college career, you should do so with a focus on preparing for job search success after graduation. As you progress, remain focused on the prize. Take classes and find internships that will help you prepare for your new criminology career. As much as possible, your degree path and your career choice should be complimentary. Ideally, youll want to figure out what to do and plan your learning around a career goal. With research, hard work and perseverance, youre sure to enjoy a bright future in a succ essful career in criminology or criminal justice.

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