Friday, December 27, 2019

Two ASME Publications Win EXCEL Awards

Two ASME Publications Win EXCEL Awards Two ASME Publications Win EXCEL Awards Two ASME Publications Win EXCEL AwardsJuly 14, 2107 ASME recently received two EXCEL Awards from Association Media Publishing for our Mechanical Engineering 2017 Integrated Media Planner and for DEMANDASME Global Development Review. The awards were presented at a ceremony held June 26 during the Association Media Publishing Annual Meeting in Arlington, Va.ASME received the Mechanical Engineering 2017 Integrated Media Planner, which was recognized with a Bronze EXCEL Award, in the promotional content/digital media kit category. The planner provides information on advertising and sponsorship opportunities offered by Mechanical Engineering magazine, lead generation programs such as Mechanical Engineering webinars, ASME e-newsletters, and ASME Digital Collection erreichbar classified listings. View the Mechanical Engineering 2017 Integrated Media Planner. Chitra Sethi (left), managing editor of Mechani cal Engineering magazine, and Kara Dress, marketing manager for ASME, accepted the EXCEL Award in the promotional content/digital media kit category for the Mechanical Engineering magazine Integrated Media Planner at the Association Media & Publishing awards ceremony.DEMANDASME Global Development Review, received a Bronze EXCEL Award in the design excellence category for magazines with circulations of 10,000 or fewer readers. The publication is a hybrid between a magazine and journal that features in-depth case studies and articles showcasing strategies and innovative solutions at the intersection of technology and global development. The Association Media Publishing is a membership organization that serves the needs of association publishers, communications professionals, designers, and content generators and the media they create. The EXCEL Awards program recognizes excellence and leadership in nonprofit association media, publishing, marketing and communications. The competition is open to nonprofit organizations and for-profit industry service partners submitting entries on behalf of association clients. For more information, visit

Sunday, December 22, 2019

You need to do this more in your life (if you want to keep growing)

You need to do this more in yur life (if you want to keep growing)You need to do this more in yur life (if you want to keep growing)Sometimes we find ourselves on autopilot. Life settles into a predictable routine and we roll with it. The alarm goes off, we hit the shower, dress and face the day. Just like we did the day before.Theres notlagehing wrong with routines. In fact, Im a big fan of routines and habits, because thats how we achieve our goals and objectives. But how do we know if the goals and objectives we adopted still stand? The answer?Personal reflectionOur hearts and minds have a funny way of getting our attention. Sometimes, they hit like a brick between the eyes. Other times, they emerge like a subtle but persistent restlessness. Either way, we know when something feels amiss.Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind. - Nathaniel HawthorneA nagging little voiceIve clocked three moments in my life when I questioned everything. It started with a nagging little vo ice, whispering in the recesses of my mind.The first wakeup call welches in my freshman year of college. I was away from home, living in the dorms and completely on my own. There were parties and beer and girls.I played keyboards and sang in a rock musikgruppe. Fun times. I could have easily chased that for a while. But one night, after yet another college party, I found myself alone on a dorm room balcony, staring at the moon.Reflecting.I knew, deep down, that rock bands and parties would not get me where I needed to go. So, I left the rock band and began reading more. I focused intently on my education. As a result, I graduated with distinction, and went on to graduate school.We cannot see our reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see. - Zen sayingThe soul will speakThe second time that reflection saved my bacon was when I toyed with leaving police work to draw cartoons professionally.I was a police sergeant working night shift. I was married and had an infant son. I hated shift work and felt my creative talents were underutilized. I had been drawing political cartoons for the local newspapers and loved it.A staff, editorial cartoonist position opened up at a newspaper in Albany, New York. The thought of drawing cartoons every day seemed like a dream job. I got swept up imagining a different life, as a full-time cartoonist.Then one night, I was rocking my infant son to sleep. In the quiet of night, I began reflecting. I had an excellent job with good pay and benefits. I had the support of local family and friends. I enjoyed helping people as a police sergeant.Even if I got the cartoonist job in Albany, I knew in my heart it would be a mistake. Newspapers were struggling. Many staff cartoonists were laid off, as papers opted to purchase cheaper, syndicated cartoons.Fortunately, I didnt get the cartoonist position. It was less a disappointment than a relief. I realized I had financial stability and security in my law enforcement j ob. And I could always moonlight as a cartoonist.Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak. - Ma Jaya Sati BhagavatiMy creative dreamsThe third time reflection changed my life was when I almost talked myself out of becoming a painter.As I rose in the police department, it became politically inconvenient to keep publishing political cartoons. So, I started to embrace landscape painting and took a local workshop. I loved it. Soon, I discovered the artist Scott L. Christensen, and thought about studying with him.The only problem was that I had a fear of flying and lacked confidence as a painter. Scott L. Christensen lived in Idaho, and most of the people who went to study with him were already accomplished painters. I came up with a million reasons not to study with Christensen.Fortunately, my wife had a serious talk with me about dreams. About pursuing the things that mattered in my life. She urged me to face my fear of flying, get on that plane and go study with Christensen.As a resul t of that talk I did some serious reflection. I asked myself what I really wanted. And I knew the answer.I made several trips to Idaho to study with Scott Christensen. As a result, my painting improved considerably, and I realized that it was possible to keep my day job and still chase my creative dreams.I later made other plane trips to Franklin, Tennessee, to study blogging and writing with the author Jeff Goins. These conquests over my fear of flying led to where I am today. Making art, writing, and living a full-time, creative life.I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. - Nelson MandelaThe real texture of our livesIf you want to invite more reflection into your life, you need to push back against the cult of busyness. Modern life is awash in technical advances, but somehow our smartphones and non-stop texting have edged out the stillness.Peoples faces are immer sed in the glow of their devices everywhere. People waiting in line (at Starbucks, the doctors office, the post office, etc.) have their phones out. You feel dumb if you dont pull your phone out, too.When we ask friends and associates how they are, they usually say, Busy. Ive got a lot going on. We view busy as a sign of success or importance. Except its not. Its more a sign that weve lost some balance.Weve forgotten how to connect with others. How to slow down and appreciate the real texture of our lives. Not the digital landscape, but the real one. Most of all, weve forgotten how to reflect more on our lives.Check out this short, moving video about the importance of slowing down.The deeper meaning of your lifeQuiet, personal reflection enables us to take stock of where we are. How we truly feel. When all the noise of life gets shut out, we can hear better the whispers of our soul. Deeper feelings, and even solutions, start to come into focus. Such reflection can correct your cours e. Maybe even invite more happiness and peace.Wherever you are in your life, take the time to slow down and reflect. Take stock of where you are in your life, where youve been and where you want to go.You need to do this more in your life. You need to find quiet places. Turn off your devices. Breathe deeply. And then spend some time reflecting.Let the thoughts roam around a bit, freely, in your mind. If you havent done this in a long time, be patient. You might feel like youre wasting time, but youre not. Just as a vacation from work can recharge your batteries, quiet reflection can recharge your mind and spirit.Embrace personal reflection more in your life. Watch how it slowly heals your weary mind. Feel how it stokes the embers of past dreams, and reveals who you really are, or want to become.Google and social media can wait. The deeper meaning of your life is calling, and personal reflection is the lifeline to help you reconnect.Before you goIm John P. Weiss. I draw cartoons, pai nt landscapes, and write about life. Thanks for readingThis article first appeared on Medium.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Funding Support

Funding Support Funding Support Funding SupportIf you havent looked into it before, you may be surprised at the number of government agencies that make grants to entrepreneurs, or otherwise collaborate with geschftliches miteinanderes, in projects judged to be in the public interest. Funds are available at both the federal and state levels as youll see below, the emphasis is on innovation and technology. Federal Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy (ARPA-E). ARPA-Es mission is to improve energy efficiency across all sectors of the U.S. economy, and to ensure the U.S. maintains leadership in advanced energy technologies. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). DARPAs mission is to maintain the U.S. militarys technological superiority through research by businesses (large and small), universities, nonprofits, government laboratories and other research organizations. Department o f Energy (DOE) Technology Commercialization Portal. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has mora than 200 marketing summaries on its Technology Commercialization Portal to help investors, entrepreneurs and companies that seek cutting-edge energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies available for licensing. The Technology Commercialization Portal is an verbunden tool that identifies opportunities to invest in the work of DOE laboratories and participating research institutions. The tool also helps speed moving laboratory discoveries into the private sector. Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) Locator. For industry and other technology seekers, the FLC Locator Network is a point of entry to federal laboratory expertise and technology. Through its network of representatives, the FLC matches potential partners with federal laboratories working in specific areas of interest. Once the FLC identifies contacts, arrangements for technical exchanges are between u sers and the labs. GRANTS.GOV Portal. is a central U.S. government information storehouse that currently holds more than 1,000 grant programs and provides access to about $500 1000000000000 in annual awards. National Institute of Standards and Technology - Technology Innovation Program (TIP). TIP supports and accelerates innovation in the U.S. through high-risk, high-reward research in areas of critical national need. National Innovation Marketplace (NIM). NIM is a service of the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), a national network with hundreds of specialists who understand the needs of small and medium-size manufacturers. The partnership has worked with thousands of manufacturers. They helped save $1.44 billion in annual costs and create $10.5 billion in increased or retained sales in their first year of operation. National Science Foundation (NSF). Created by Congress in 1950, the NSF is the on ly federal agency whose mission includes supporting fundamental science and engineering. The agency also supports high-risk, high-payoff ideas, novel collaborations and numerous like projects. Educators, researchers, and small businesses may find funding here. Small geschftsleben Innovation Research Program. This program provides essential seed funding for technology-based small businesses to complete vital but costly product development. Phase I of the program establishes a projects technical merit and potential for commercialization. Phase II awards larger grants for continued product development, contingent on achievements in Phase I. U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). The SBAs mission is to fund, counsel and protect the interests of small businesses. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDAs rural development initiative primarily supports loans for improving economies and quality of life in rural America. Funding opportunities exist for rural individuals and small businesses. Typically, rural is defined as an area other than city or town with a bevlkerung of 50,000 plus and not located directly adjacent to a city or town of this size. State State governments often step up to help sustain the states business environment. Over the last decade, state economic development strategies have shifted from focusing solely on attracting new businesses into the state to fostering home-grown businesses through innovation and entrepreneurship. A state government will frequently look to collaborate with the states most competitive and innovative assets universities, private and federal research and development laboratories and concentrations of specialized workers. Seed capital funding. Seed capital often resembles early venture capital. The state takes equity or debt positions in high-tech companies to help grow and retain them in the state. Two examples Oklahoma Seed Capital Fund (OSCF), a $7.025 mio venture capital fund, provides seed and startup equity financing to small, technology-based Oklahoma companies. OSCF operates like a conventional venture fund, boosting state economic activity by bridging the early-stage funding gap between personal and traditional sources of venture capital. Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies (VCET) makes convertible debt investments in early-stage companies and equity investments in later-stage companies. Any Vermont-based startup, emerging growth firm, or team seeking to relocate or expand into Vermont is eligible for consideration. The company must be a high-tech, high- growth concept with up to $3 million in revenue. Proof-of-concept funding. Proof-of-concept funding helps establish the feasibility of new commercial technologies. In general, selected technologies are r efined at local institutions with an eye toward an ultimate transfer to business settings. The Edison Innovation R&D Fund New Jersey (EIRDFNJ) is one example. In partnership with a New Jersey research university, company or institution, Edison provides funding to in-state technology companies for proof-of-concept R&D needed to commercialize technologies. Awards range from $100,000 to $500,000. Edison Innovation R&D funding promotes collaboration between universities and the private sector, increases the amount and value of intellectual property, provides early-stage financing and commercialization support and helps grow technology businesses in New Jersey. Accelerator funding. The accelerator concept creates supportive environments for young companies. Best results are often achieved with mission-oriented support around similar emerging technologies or market applications. For example, the Eastern Kentucky Un iversity (EKU) Business and Technology Accelerator Program (BTAP) is a university-based economic development enterprise that focuses EKUs energy, skills and intellectual capital on enterprise creation and expansion. Specializing in small business services, entrepreneurship, technology and high-tech ventures, BTAP offers programs and resources to enhance the regional economy through new business formation. Funds of funds. Funds of funds use state funding to invest with private investment firms that in turn provide leveraged capital for private investment in selected areas. A case in point is the Utah Fund of Funds (UFF), a $300 million economic development program that gives Utah entrepreneurs access to alternative or nontraditional capital. The UFF invests in venture capital and private equity funds that commit to investing in qualifying companies and to working with the UFF and the states startup and business communities. E conomic gardening funding. Economic gardening grows existing second-stage businesses. Its an innovative, entrepreneur-centered strategy that helps balance the traditional practice of business recruitment often referred to as economic hunting. GrowFL, for example, provides high-end, high-speed technical business tools to companies that have grown beyond startup. Typically, these companies need information and decision-making resources database research, search engine optimization, geographic information systems, network mapping, social media, strategic analysis, management-team assessment, capital or labor referrals. University seed funding. Some universities advance technologies and spinoff companies through early-stage seed funding. At Indiana University, the Innovate Indiana Fund (IIF) invests in technologies developed at IU and helps bring them to market. The IIF will help translate technologies into innovative c ommercial products, services and treatments, and set up new technology-based companies to further develop them. Venture associations. Local venture and business associations can bring together the financial players needed to grow new businesses. One such association is the Connecticut Venture Group (CVG), which encourages investment in high-growth companies through technology-focused seminars and expositions, updates on financing and market trends and an annual Venture Show. Other state-based resources include AMT State by State Resource Guide for Government Funding, a state-by-state guide to a variety of business assistance programs Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy & Efficiency, a comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility and federal incentives and policies that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency State Science and Technology Institute (SSTI), a national nonprofi t organization that leads and strengthens efforts to improve state and regional economies through science, technology and innovation SSTIs State Venture Capital Dashboard, which presents historical data on venture capital investments by state National Association of Seed and Venture Funds (NASVF), an international organization of innovation-capital lenders private, public and non-profit organizations committed to building their local economies by investing in local entrepreneurs. NASVF has more than 650 members and 150 member organizations.

Friday, December 13, 2019

How to Choose a College Major for Criminology Careers

How to Choose a College Major for Criminology CareersHow to Choose a College Major for Criminology CareersPreparing to start your college career is daunting enough for most students without having to declare a major. Between getting settled at your new school, making new friends, studying and trying to stretch a single bag of noodles into a week-long meal, making the transition to college life can be difficult. At some point in your education, however, youre going to have to figure out just exactly what it is you want to do with your life. Jobs in criminology and criminal justice make for an excellent and rewarding career choice, but the question remains what should you get a degree in? To help you better plan your educational path, heres some helpful advice. Set Career GoalsFirst Determining your career goals is perhaps the most important place to start. In deciding what career path you want to pursue, you can narrow down your career choices significantly. More than likely, you have a general idea of what direction you want to go. To make a better choice, do a little research. Learn as much as you can about the field youre interested in and find out what jobs are available and what jobs are right for you. Once youve got a good idea of what sort of career you want to pursue, youll be in a better position to start working toward your degree. Each area of criminology and criminal justiceare related, but some fields require specific skills and educational backgrounds. In some cases, certain degree programs may be required. In others, some degrees may be more appropriate or beneficial than others. In any case, you can never discount the importance of a college education in criminal justice. Make the right choice inchoosing your degree. Your career choice will go a long way in determining your degree path. Here are some suggestions on what to study, depending on your career goals Natural Sciences If youre interested in pursuing a career in forensic science, then you should study the natural sciences. Of course, even within forensics, there are almost infinite opportunities for specialization that may influence your area of study. If you want to become a DNA analyst, youll want to earn a degree in biology or chemistry. If you decide working as a bloodstain pattern analyst is a better fit, physics or biology would be the way to go. Likewise, a forensic ballistic expert may want to focus their studies on physics. Social Sciences Ultimately, criminology and criminal justice are about people how they interact and react, how they behave, and how they respond to various stimuli and situations. Because of this, its hard to go wrong specializing in the social sciences, either as a major or a minor. If you decide you want to pursue a career as a criminologist, your focus should be on looking at the large scale causes, effects and consequences of criminal behavior. In this case, you should look into a degree in criminology, sociology or anthrop ology. If you find youre more interested in the practical application of criminology, youll probably be more interested in working as a police officer, probation or community control officer or other law enforcement-related field. In this case, you may instead want to look into earning a degree in criminal justice, public administration, or even political science. Psychology Maybe its the human mind youre interested in, in which case you may choose to pursue a career as a forensic psychologist, criminal profiler, or even a jury consultant. More likely than elend, youll need to earn an advanced degree to advance in this field. Here, of course, a degree in psychology would be a good start. Criminology or Criminal Justice Degree? In truth, your degree choice need not limit your career options. Many degree programs are closely related to each other, and some even share some of the same prerequisites. The subtleties in the differences between criminology and criminal justice, for example, are small enough that a degree in one would not preclude you from careers that may be better suited for the other. In any case, you can choose to continue your education and earn a masters degree in criminology or criminal justice if you find that your resume is lacking. The same can be said for most fields, and it may be wise to earn a four-year degree in one area and an advanced degree in another to help you be more balanced and well rounded. Finding Jobs As you plan your college career, you should do so with a focus on preparing for job search success after graduation. As you progress, remain focused on the prize. Take classes and find internships that will help you prepare for your new criminology career. As much as possible, your degree path and your career choice should be complimentary. Ideally, youll want to figure out what to do and plan your learning around a career goal. With research, hard work and perseverance, youre sure to enjoy a bright future in a succ essful career in criminology or criminal justice.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

What the Experts Arent Saying About Cake Resume and How It Affects You

What the Experts Arent Saying About Cake Resume and How It Affects You What Cake Resume Is - and What it Is Not Excellent brochures are frequently the very first introduction a prospective client would receive about a specific business. Distinctive Documents provides our clients a complete assortment of professional writing services to fulfill all work search requirements. Anything you earned in school, on the job, or as you volunteered for health organizations ought to be mentioned in your primary marketing and advertising document. Nursing keywords another major part of the resume writing process. No formal education is needed. When you look thorough lots of college resume examples, it is going to become obvious your achievements in education are a really strong foundation for a hiring decision. Top Cake Resume Secrets Ideally, this cake should be made over the course of many days, and thus do plan accordingly in the event you intend on making it for Christmas this year. Therefore, if youre in need of quite an urgent banana chocolate chip cake fix, do it. Then you could be prepared for a job for a cake decorator. Is chocolate cake your favourite cake. In terms of poor banana bread, well youre able to leave that one to the fantastic twin Listed following are some of top rated cake order forms piece on the world wide web. After that moment, unmold the cake on the rack allow it to cool to room temperature. You might find yourself making cakes for parties, weddings, or celebrations of life in a vast array of fashions, and you will need to wield that piping bag with a specialist hand. Most Noticeable Cake Resume To work out if a dog is deaf can be tough, but luckily theres a test that could be accomplished. In addition, you can take advantage of multiple Traits within a class. Dalmatians that spend the majority of their time indoors are more inclined to turn into overweight. Just as with any other breed, there are specific breed certain diffi culties that Dalmatians suffer from. Employing the readymade templates you ought to be in a position to find an invitation entwurf ready in almost no time whatsoever For instance, if youre targeting the design at people who are to obtain tickets, you will need to look up publisher ticket templates and so forth. There are lots of designs available that a user can pick from. Also, consider the target audience when choosing your design or your templates. What to Expect From Cake Resume? The whimsical branding and exceptional means of sharing information make aya that his website is memorable to visitors. The travel blog utilizes globe iconography to move visitors around the website, making it simple to explore sections past the blog. When youre asking for work, youre typically requested to submit a resume and cover letter, or perhaps your LinkedIn profile. Now that you know how resume examples can help you create an impressive resume, you will need to take time to locate a very good example for you to use. Cake Resume - the Conspiracy Exposing yourself or seeking to acquire work within the field mentioned below will absolutely offer you more opportunities as a mobile developer. Food Preparation Worker If youre searching for employment thats a little bit more low-key than a career for a cake decorator or just a chef, you could pursue a career for a food preparation worker. Keep in mind, that any time you wish to submit an application for work, you want to tailor your resume to make certain it highlights relevant abilities and qualifications. Many are trained at work. Most importantly, your resume should be consistent, concise, and clear and simple to read. With the aid of AutoRecover you need to be able to retrieve all of the work you had saved last. The shop operator will be entrusting the shop to you. If you wish to land the job, tell the shop owner what you could do by going into detail what youve done with your prior employers. Type of Cake Resume While adding a picture, make certain it is the appropriate size. Your designs must be attention grabbing. Intricate designs need keen eyes. The End of Cake Resume Use the checklist to be certain you have included all appropriate data in your resume. You also need to make sure that the store has all of the ingredients it has to prepare all its products. Cake decorators are liable for working with customers to take orders and make sure they are content with their buy. They are artists and craftsmen who work to make cakes that are visually appealing as well as delicious. The Tried and True Method for Cake Resume in Step by Step Detail You might stuff a brief list of bullets about your skills in there, in case you really wished to. All you need to do is go through the plethora of choices, decide on the one which catches your eye and download it. Avoid employing an objective. Highlight your capability to commit to a lot of unique tasks at once and your skill at avoidi ng waste because of baking errors.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Employee Retention How to Keep Your Top Talent - Spark Hire

Employee Retention How to Keep Your Top Talent - Spark HireThere is a war out there, and its being waged against you over your top talent. Strategies are being used to lure them away. Covert missions are occurring during which theyre being wooed with better benefits and pay. And if youre not careful, you could wind up on the losing side.Your initial reaction is probably to spy on the competition, recruiters and your employees in order to prevent what appears to be the inevitable. However, suggests a different approach. Its time for you to re-recruit your top first suggests that companies should try to prevent burnout or ruts among top talent. They report that research shows that a rut can occur as frequently as 18 months. With that, companies, and more importantly, managers need to be providing new projects, tasks or redesigning roles to prevent this from happening.Its at this juncture that employee satisfaction can really dwindle, so stopping it before it even starts can help improve employee retention. Along those lines, top talent need to feel three things when it comes to their job, according to excitement, that theyre doing the best work of their life and having a significant urges recruiters and team managers alike to communicate to top talent that theyre not only doing a great job but how their work is making a difference for the company. That requires team managers to be on top of perfassonance, giving these employees proof that their contributions are of value. It also requires other managers, team leaders and recruiters to acknowledge a job well done too.Re-recruiting offers need to be made to top talent regardless of whether or not theyre looking for an outside opportunity, says. This can come in the form of a title change, raise or greater benefits like more vacation days and work from home benefits. These benefits, along with the loyalty and relationship they already have with the company, can have a significant impact on their willingness to stay.Finally, encourages companies to help top talent find new positions within the company. If an opening comes up and someone that already works for the company is perfect for the job, recruit them. Treat them like an outside candidate, sell the position and give them an offer they cant refuse.When it comes to top talent, you dont just want them because they are amazing at performing that particular job you want to keep them because theyre invaluable to the company on whichever team they serve. Top talent is a rare find, and you dont want to lose the war in keeping them. Entice them, woo them and make them feel important even when theyre already yours.How else can you prevent top talent from leaving the company? Share now in our comments

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Internship Opportunities at Deloitte

Internship Opportunities at DeloitteInternship Opportunities at DeloitteDeloitte LLP and its subsidiaries serve clients all over the world by helping them solve their toughest business problems. Deloitte focuses on four key areas - audit, financial advisory, tax and consulting. At Deloitte, they have a highly professional group of people working to address each clients needs. Internships According to Bloombergs BusinessWeek and Vault, Deloitte has consistently been rated as one of the top internships available for students. Deloitte offers a variety of internships and work/study programs for undergraduate and advanced degree students. Students are able to get a chance to experience a wide range of opportunities in a multidisciplinary professional services firm. Learning the business from such a leader in the field provides students with a strong foundation and a chance to obtain the knowledge and skills that organizations seek in their entry-level candidates. If you are a studen t who has not only excelled in your business courses in college but someone who has also developed strong leadership skills through academic coursework, co-curricular activities, and you really enjoy tackling problems and coming up with well thought out solutions, you could be exactly what Deloitte is looking for in its next group of interns. An internship with Deloitte can help to further hone your skills and position you for a full-time job directly out of college. Theres not much grunt work for those selected to do an internship with Deloitte so interns dont have to worry about what they need to do to keep busy or about spending the majority of their time making coffee or filing papers. Current interns and co-ops have an opportunity to work side-by-side with Deloittes current full-time employees as part of a client service team in the audit, advisory, tax, financial advisory services, consulting or enabling departments. During their first week, interns will spend their time in tr aining and will be assigned a mentor that will help them get started working for the organization. The interns first week is devoted to training and they will be assigned a mentor who will help them get acclimated to both the work and the organization. Benefits Deloitte has been recognized by Catalyst, FORTUNE, Working Mother, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, and DiversityInc as a premier workplace for those seeking an awesome place in which to work. In addition, Forbes Magazine has named Deloitte as one of the best places for women to advance their careers and extolled Deloitte as the company for one of the best work-life balance programs around. Deloitte has even been named one of Vaults Top Ten Internships for 2011 out of a pool of 821 programs. The criteria of the high rating were based on several factors including mentorship availability, career advancement opportunities, intern involvement/capacity for learning, compensation, perks, industry clout and work culture. It is also estimated that approximately 75% of interns are offered full-time employment after graduating from college. Qualifications Deloitte seeks college juniors with a minimum GPA of 3.2. In addition to academic success, Deloitte also looks for candidates with proven leadership, strong analytical and communication skills, and an ability to work in a team. Non- U.S. citizens are welcome to apply. The Global Universities Program Global Universities Program (GUP) provides opportunities for international students to begin a career in their home country or a country of interest where they are eligible to work and where they are fluent in the local language. Deloitte also offers some excellenttips for interviewing that you will definitely want to check out.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Around the Web Job-Hunting Tools

Around the Web Job-Hunting ToolsAround the Web Job-Hunting ToolsSocial-networking reference materials for your job search.If the Web has transformed the way you do your job, you can bet your bottom dollar it has changed the way you find a job. At its most basic, the Web is an encyclopedia of reference material to help you educate yourself about your intended market, region or company. If youre ready to take a more-active role online, you can employ some of the contact and social-networking tools to manage your contacts and relationships as you hunt for work. And for the creative and brave, the Web offers a route to promote yourself in a way a paper resume cant.Here are a few of the resources we found around the Web Jason Alba started JibberJobber (free login required) as a spreadsheet to track and organize a his first job search in January 2006, but it eventually evolved into what he calls a career-relationship manager, a pay service that lets you import or enter contacts and track, map and graph relationships (your network) job search steps even your expenses. Albas near-daily blog posts are also a good read, written by someone who personally knows what it means to search for a job using the tools of the Digital Age.If you dont know about SlideShare, it is like YouTube for PowerPoint presentations. Users make slideshows and upload them to SlideShare for all to see. Some uninventive job seekers have posted simple one- and two-page slides of their actual paper resume. But a few slick and creative examples back up bullet points on the resume with figures and graphs.Then there is YouTube itself. A few adventurous souls are already posting video resumes that are essentially a sales pitch. fruchtwein job seekers simply read their resume aloud into camera, but the format might be the right fit for the right candidate or the right industry.One useful page on is the salary page, which has no fewer than eight calculators to help you determine median pay, benef its and regional pay scales for any position. Use it to assess your salary and compensation offer.A word of caution on As a site supported by page views, makes money by encouraging visitors to open multiple pages before they find the information they seek. The site can be a frustrating waste of time when all you want is a simple answer.The Career Services Department at Villanova Universitys Job Search Online Resources Guide is a surprisingly comprehensive guide to specific careers, industries and regions.Never walk into an interview cold. Do your homework. Theres no better place to start than Google. Is the company performing well? Whats the CFOs name? Check a publicly traded companys financials and basic information on Google Finance. Is the mainboard of directors under indictment? Did the new drug win FDA approval? Follow articles and blogs that mention the company on Google News. For deeper research check a service like (free) or Harris InfoSourc e (partial subscription).See what people are saying about you or a potential employer on Twitter.To research a companys less-tangible qualities, like, Is it a nice place to work? rely on the good old news media. Fortunes 100 Best Companies to Work For survey is exhaustive. Your company may not be on here, but the survey explores such topics as best cafeteria and most unusual perks. Sources like Working Mother magazines Best Companies survey profiles companies from the perspective of its specific audience.What sites did you use in your job search? E-mail us with your suggestions, and we will share them with community.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

5 Alternatives to a Traditional Resume Format

5 Alternatives to a Traditional Resume Format5 Alternatives to a Traditional Resume Format8Theres no shortage of resume advice online, but what if your work experience doesnt fit the perfect mold of a traditional resume? There are alternatives to a traditional resume that may help you.We know how hard it is when you dont havea perfectly linear and chronological work history. So weve outlined five of the fruchtwein effective alternatives to a traditional resume format.Whether you are changing careers, transitioning back into the workforce, or just trying to get your foot in the door- weve got a format for you. Here are five alternatives to a traditional resume format.5 Alternatives to a Traditional Resume Format1. Resume of Relevance In many cases, what youve most recently done in your work history is not what is most relevant to the role you are targeting. The only way your resume will be effective is if you put the relevant information first. Here is one of our alternatives to a tra ditional resume that may work for you.You canseparate the typical chronological work experience section into two separate sections. The first section should only highlight your relevant work experience in chronological order. The second section will be titled Additional Experience and highlight your other roles in chronological order so the hiring manager can see what youve been up to outside of your relevant roles.2. Career Transition Resume Youve recently decided you want to target a completely new career, so youre either going back to school or taking some courses on the side to build up your skill set. However, your current resume shows your work experience at the top, and it has nothing to do with your new career. There are alternatives to a traditional resume that can help yourevamp your resume for your career transition.Place your academic and professional development before your work experience. This will show the hiring manager that you are a working professional who is tar geting a new field and has taken the initiative to upgrade your skill set to qualify for the job. In your work experience, forget about your daily tasks from your former roles. Instead, place the focus on the transferable skills you gained in those roles that will relate to your new career goals.3. Achievements-Based Resume Youve held a lot of roles in the last five to ten years, and in those roles youve had some really great achievements that relate to the role that you are targeting, but they are really spread out. You need to focus your resume around those achievements to show the hiring manager exactly what you are capable of.The best method to do this is to place a Selected Achievements section before your work experience. In this section you should pick up to five of your most impressive achievements from any of your past roles that relate as closely as possible to the role you are targeting. This method offers alternatives to a traditional resume that will highlight your achi evements to the hiring manager immediately, rather than getting lost in your long list of roles in your work experience section.4. Functional Resume Though many people believe a functional resume is the best alternative when you have gaps in your work experience or during a career transition, we completely disagree. The three above listed resumes are the best options in those cases. A functional resume is most effective when you have completed identical tasks in every role youve held.This is common for medical practitioners like nurses or dental hygienists. They perform the saatkorn tasks in every role however, they have worked with different clinics or medical institutions. Therefore, their resume begins with a full list of their skills and what they are capable of, followed by a list of their employment.5. Portfolio-Style Resume If you are in the type of field that requires a portfolio of what you are capable of, why not let your resume be an example of those capabilities? This is one of thegreat alternatives to a traditional resume for professionals in creative industries, such as graphic design or video production.You could choose to incorporate graphics onto the resume or develop a video resume that literally shows the hiring manager your skills in video production. This type of resume brings the saying Show, Dont Tell to a whole new reality. Check out these creative portfolio-style resumes.Your resume should never follow a traditional format it should be created around the best method to showcase your experience and skills to the hiring manager. So break free from the mold and consider alternatives to a traditional resume.Readers, what do you think about these alternatives to a traditional resume format? Have you tried any of them? Leave a comment with your provides professional resume writing services for clients of all career levels across North America. We are the only resume writing company that offers a professionally writte n resume coupled with the guidance of recruiters, to guarantee that your resume will get results. Tweet us with any resume questions you have at, were here to help